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Wellcome – 10 ideas we fund that might surprise you. From eyeball injections to eye drops for sight loss

Posted on 29 Nov 2017

In September this year, Exonate welcomed a film crew from Wellcome Trust to the labs in Nottingham. Wellcome Trust were making a series of short 1-minute films to share on Facebook, Twitter@wellcometrust and the Wellcome website during November.

The films are a part of the ‘Wellcome Celebrate’ season and focus on the work Exonate has been doing with Wellcome’s support.

The crew spent time with the Exonate team filming their lab work and then interviewed Exonate’s CSO Prof Dave Bates and CEO Dr Catherine Beech. They wanted to capture a glimpse of the people behind the work as well as explaining Exonate’s work to Wellcome’s followers. Catherine and David were asked about their career highlights and a moment of discovery which are beautifully captured in this piece.

Watch Catherine Beech, Exonate’s Chief Executive, and David Bates, Chief Scientific Officer, explain the science and its potential impact.

Watch the video

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Please contact

Louise Shave at Exonate for further information 01223 437042

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